Monday, November 29, 2010

Implantation Day Period Is Due

Barbarians Dreams Sleep Celta

In the novel Barbarians Dreams (Peisa, 2010) the painter and writer Rodrigo Núñez C . (Lima, 1953) reconsiders the draft of its first adventure narrative comedy desert (2002): the portrait of a group of intellectuals and artists living in "community" and immersed in artificial worlds of literature and art. But this time the results are much better, and Dreams barbarians is appearing on all lists of the best novels of 2010 Peruvian. Rafael

Delucchi is installed in a deserted house, with bohemian and talented friends (real people from the cultural Lima) for, together, shoot a monumental work. The fortunes of the group ranging from the tragedy (the suicide of John Bullitt, for example) to the cute and fun, alternating with reflections on famous films, technical details of how they're doing that of Delucchi, and even a version of Greek tragedy modern.

Núñez has replaced the farce and the "magical realism" of The Comedy ... known events and characters by recent political history of Peru, also built from a cinematic perspective. A real success, as this would compensate for the excesses "cultures" and gives the story a stronger factual basis. And while there is no well-defined plot (the story could go on ad libitum ) the nearly 500 pages of Dreams barbarians are read with great interest.

You can read the first pages of the novel in blog Rodrigo Núñez. Other texts on
barbarians Dreams: Jeremiah Gamboa, Ricardo González V ., Jaime A. Rivera,
Interviews: Pedro Escribano , John Martinez, Carlos Sotomayor . The following video
, Nunez talks extensively about his novel.


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