Monday, January 10, 2011

Caught Pokemon To Shinies Action Replay

The original and daring proposals poetic Rafael Espinosa (Lima, 1960), especially the Book of books Laetitia Casta (2003) and The anticyclone South Pacific (2007), made the critics regard as one of the most outstanding Peruvian poets the first decade of the century. His most recent book, Dear current transformers (AUB, 2010) maintained and even radicalized those proposals.

The book shows the emotions and thoughts of a middle-class Lima during a holiday either. The visit to the mother or the reunion with old friends in the neighborhood, triggering extensive reflections, true inner monologues of the "protagonist", expressed in a language that combines baroque syntax, rhetoric, poetry and urban lexicon technological characteristic of our time : "A mother is a signal code to Nautical too long, just / Click on the image files, it tells us / that we have entered calm waters ... ".

Highlights Beloved current transformers is that the lexicon, as seemingly despicable and antipoetic are achieved achieved moments of intense lyricism. Rafael Espinosa belongs to that breed of poets who are not afraid to experiment with the most current and everyday language (of the street, or Internet advertising, in this case), a line that starts Trilce Vallejo and continued social and poets after the most controversial groups, from "new" to Kloaka.


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