The literary event was, without doubt, the Nobel Prize awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa, in the month of October, after years of unjust delay. This award coincided with the release novel Dream of Celtic (Alfaguara), the story of Roger Casement Irish life (1864-1916), which are not of the best works of MVLL became the most important book 2010.
Rodrigo Núñez Meanwhile, after several attempts, succeeded in the novel Barbarians Dreams (ESRP) to recreate the world of writers, intellectuals and artists from Lima that he knows from the inside. He did it with a long-winded story (almost 500 pages), which combines the everyday with fun and tragic episodes in which we find so endearing characters as José Watanabe or John Bullitt.
Among the "new voices" the narrative should highlight the Cusco Karina Pacheco, that the novel blood, dust, snow (San Marcos) and the stories of Alma alga (Draft) is established itself as one of the most important Peruvian writers. In addition, literary prizes have uncovered to storytellers like Javier Pizarro ( The world's longest sidewalk , PUCP National Award) and Giancarlo Poma ( Sonata kamikazes. Award BCR). And you can not fail to mention the reprinting of the violence of the time (Alfaguara), the great saga narrative of Miguel Gutierrez
With over 30 years of constant dedication to poetic creation, Carlos López Degregori is finally reaching the recognition it deserves. His book A table in the deep woods (ESRP) is more and more poems that praise has been the critical part of this year. Without neglecting the complex symbolism of his earlier works ... A table shows a López dabbling in poetry land more accessible to non-specialist readers.
The death of a bourgeois (Album of the Universe Bakterial ) , Jerónimo Pimentel third book of poems, meant the confirmation of its author as the most important of the so-called generation post 2000. Far from structural rigidities and themes of his earlier books, poems Pimentel gives us more personal and intimate, with several records and techniques. He also gave a boost to its work, the Arequipa Oswaldo Chanover, emblematic poet of the generation of 80, who in the solar plexus (Coven) satirizes the prevailing scientific discourse today.
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Maoli Mao |
Among the new voices, the poet Maoli said Mao, who in his first book emotional Blindness (Hinge ) delved into the erotic themes of love, but taking away from the violent Peruvian female poetry of the past decades. This is a fresh and original lyric, which links resources more casual classics of the genre with modern touches. Another good "rookie" was the well-known journalist Eloy Jáuregui, who Deep hair (Hinge) brought the best of his poetry, showing an unknown side of his personality bookish.
Other poems of interest and were widely discussed Dying is an art (Streetcar) Mariela Dreyfus and Moridor (Pakarina) Willy Gómez Migliaro, intense reflection on the ever-present issue death, while Juan de la Fuente Beauty is a (Carpe Diem) assumes a more vital and aesthetics. Special mention Resurrection of the dead (National Assembly of Rectors) , great posthumous Churata Gamaliel (1897-1969), recovered by Italian Ricardo Peruvianist Badini. TEST
The major contribution in the field trial were the sociologist Gonzalo Portocarrero, who gave us in Ear silence (Ed. Network for the development of the Social Sciences) the fruit five years of reflection on literature, film, art and Peruvian society. In the more strictly literary critic Camilo Fernandez continued with its analysis of the main Peruvian poets twentieth century, this time with House, body. Blanca Varela's poetry in the mirror (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola). Other books of interest were station meetings (IEPs) of Peter Elmore, Mirror of modernity, Vanguard, theater experience and 5 meters of Selenco poems Vega, Intertextuality in the poetry of Emilio Adolfo Westphalen , Mauro Jimenez and the reissue of The critical imagination Julio Ortega.
Other counts
Ricardo González V . , Us Magazine, Carlos Sotomayor .
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