Other attractions
In his novel Other attractions (Alfaguara, 2010) the journalist and writer Enrique Planas (Lima, 1970) tells the story of a young couple, Veronica and Daniel, who undertakes a long journey to overcome the loss of a child. But on that trip Veronica goes through a series of experiences that make leaving Daniel and assume the personality of the schizophrenic artist Unica Zürn (1916-1970), eventually to madness. Planas
returns in this account to the dominant themes and motifs in his three previous novels: the complex world of feminine emotions, transgressive eroticism and duplicity as a structural principle (the characters is always "double" or models that mimic .) But this time the writer gets rid of the excesses of those novels: the obsession with the grotesque, by the language "fad" or the colorful display of narrative techniques. Renouncing
did what one of our writers explicitly postmodern approaches Planas narrative Iván Thays, especially the novel The inner journey, a similar story and even complementary (Planas focuses on women who abandons his family, Thays in man abandoned). Other places of interest shows an author leaving errors About Alice (1999) and Staging (2002), but still in search of their own literary personality.
Related Interviews: E , Pedro Escribano, Enrique Sánchez H. ,
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