Sunday, January 23, 2011

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journalist and writer Marcelo Birmajer (Buenos Aires, 1966) has made the daily life of man "average" of their country the center of his narrative, consisting of a dozen books, from highest crime A (1992) to Latest stories Married Men (2001). But it is only in Farewell (Norma, 2010), its new and extensive novel is encouraged to delve into the emotions and feelings of these characters, their loneliness and existential void.

Dreidel, the protagonist, is a single-aged, neurotic and helpless, whom the death of his best friend sink into a deep crisis. Their problems (personal, family, work) seem to worsen with the crisis, which leads him to face extreme situations. However, in the manner of Kafka's characters, has a constant cold and distant attitude (a mixture of fear and indifference), with all the people around them.

thus going counter to the dominant trends in the narrative Argentina (the police "intellectual", for example). Farewell becomes a peculiar portrait of a large segment of society in that country. Unfortunately, halfway through the novel, Birmajer begins to complicate the plot too much, to parody classic texts (The Celestine , the Curioso ), generating unreal situations that end in a "happy ending" that has little to do with the rest of the story.

Other reviews of the novel: Ezequiel Acuña, Jesus Ruiz Mantilla, Oswaldo Paz y Miño .
The following video is an interview with American Home.


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