Who emerges from the shadows? Inquire about this amazing painting and find the light! Look at the gesture, face and attitude of the characters. And do not forget the glitter of armor ...
The canvas we see now has been discussed as an autograph work of Caravaggio. But it seems clear that there are numerous copies of it, this is the real thing. We mourn the missing part of the canvas to the left causing a sharp cut in the structure of the characters, but enhances the traumatic effect composition. The issue tells the arrest of Christ after the evening prayer in the Garden of Olives. The focus of the action is on the two faces of Jesus and Judas joined by the kiss of betrayal . Christ is pale, drooping eyes and hands together, aware of the fate that awaits him. Judas is disturbing: the teacher embraces artificial means, his arms seem too short, and his gaze is absorbed, not daring to look into the face of the betrayed. All Figures converge towards this point in a soft curved line without violence tends towards the protagonists, who seem to be in spite of himself.
source: Artehistoria.
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