Friday, March 11, 2011

Sparknotes On Deathwatch By Robb White

Church of San Carlos of the four sources San Carlino.
Francesco Castelli, Il Borromini. Rome.


To contextualize the emergence of Baroque art sufficient information that gives us the textbook. However, we must not lose sight of the following keys:

Baroque is the style that is beginning in the late sixteenth and extends until the eighteenth. Born in Italy and from there it spreads throughout Europe. style is a complex result of a time of crisis. art is a brilliant, flamboyant, with he expresses the power of great kings, the wealth flowing from the States and the prosperous situation of Catholicism. The
variety of socio-economic situations, political and religious rise to the existence of baroque " different": a courtly Baroque Catholic , propaganda instrument of the Church and of the absolute state (Italy, France, Spain) and other bourgeois and Protestant Baroque (England and Holland).

Despite these large differences are common aesthetic impulses, the result of the sensitivity of the time, who disdains the rules and tends to the emotional and overwhelming. is a style that reflects the mood of the man of the moment, pessimistic, disillusioned, realistically aware of their imperfections.

The new architectural forms do not arise from nothing but natural consequence of the stylistic evolution as indicated by Mannerism. Italy will again be the focus operator, and the Papacy, and the Counter ideology, those who promote the new architectural aesthetic, which based its expressive power in the monumental, complexity and dynamism of the construction.
The starting point, as in the other arts, will be breaking the balance classic that will manifest itself through:
• Materials
· The constructive elements
· The decorative resources
· The architectural styles

· The most used is the ashlar stone.
• In some buildings, especially in the interior, marble is used colors to highlight the richness and luxury, so dear to the Baroque theatricality. Sometimes bronze is used for certain elements, when trying out their decorative (columns, etc..). Often, moreover, the use of different materials (and different textures, therefore) in the same work.

• The formal lexicon remains classic, but its use is made from very different approaches , so that the resulting language will be completely different.
· We used arrays of columns and their entablature , although gigantic proportions are preferred. Lose columns and classical proportions are monumental or dwarfs, as appropriate to the effect of whole.
· supports, exempt or flats are used widely but generally for decorative purposes. Atlanteans are used, and brackets caryatids and new media are two typical baroque: the Solomonic column (of stem twisted ellipse) and " stipe (vertical support comprising a series of truncated pyramid shapes and inverted).
· The facades are curved due to the introduction of curved entablature . Inspired by the model of "Il Gesù" of Vignola, have two bodies, and become more blurred and rich chiaroscuro. They are filled with sculptures, columns are off the wall and the overall effect is of greater wealth and movement. Begin to draw concave or convex walls, which are closely related to urban space in which they reside and are built taking into account the angle at which they will be seen., Escaped prospects looking effects and diagonal axes. This implies that walls are flexible: they move, with incoming and outgoing undulate. Cornices, very outgoing, also reflect this dynamic conception of the facade . It is, almost, of a building organic conception.
• The arc used is half a point, although the repertoire is very varied: half a point, elliptical, mixtilinear, oval, ... is looking dynamism.
· The roof systems are very varied. The vaults, barrel, edge, lunettes and hemiesferic on scallops, are the most characteristic. Faced with these items, as used in the Renaissance, new vaults are tested oval or stellate, multiplying external domes. The dome stands on the outside, but inside will be absorbed as pure hemispherical surface, by a whirlwind of images, paintings, frames or feigned heaven (see the case of the dome of the basilica Santa Maria de Elche). They are great burst of glory in which simulated those away, revealing a celestial world.
All these elements are used with great freedom , because what is valued is the invention and originality in the translation of new ways to impress the viewer. Sometimes the artificiality in the procedures is detrimental to the strength or functionality of the building. What matters is the overall effect , which is subordinate forms of sculpture, paintings and decorative embellish the architecture, in this way, the building constitutes an organic whole.

include designs based on the curve, in line with the dynamism sought, and curved pediments and parties, oval openings and plant motifs, leather and curtains that suggest a world of irrational and capricious. It is used often, the trompe (trap for the eye), a resource that, through painting, simulating an architectural space that opens onto the wall.
The media come to have very often a decorative nature, devoid of any tectonic feature. ARCHITECTURAL TYPES

The buildings are religious or civil symbolic meaning propaganda and a wide variety plant. Typical buildings remain the church and the palace in different variations. In traditional churches rectangular plants leads to elliptical, circular and mixed . It gives a clear predominance of "Jesuit Plant" (model Il Gesu church in Vignola, Rome). The interior space is also conceived as a flowing form, still dominated by curved surfaces. The decor is becoming more rich and colorful, enhancing the dramatic effect and theatrical Baroque architecture.
As conclusion:
• simple schemes are discarded by replacing Renaissance more complex approaches.
• The architecture introduces the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement.
• The light takes on new role in the overall perception of the building
• The traditional architectural elements and forms (arches, columns, pediments, cornices ...) are enriched and complicated.
• It features a clear interest in urban planning. This should underscore the markets, the role assumed by fountains, gardens, ... and the fact that Baroque architects were the first to consider the ordering of cities not only a theoretical, as in the Renaissance but also operational.


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