Friday, March 11, 2011

Whats Better Rotary Or Foil

the great architects of the Baroque. FRANCESCO CASTELLI, IL Borromini.

Dome of the church of San Carlos of four sources, San Carlino (Roma)

In this link you can see a video of the church of San Carlos, Borromini


Italian architect, one of the most important seventeenth century. Along with other great figures of his time, Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Pietro da Cortona, and mainly thanks to their churches, ancient Rome turned into a Baroque city. Unlike Bernini and Cortona, Borromini devoted only to architecture, reaching its efforts obsession unorthodox new ways space. In its buildings, the empty and full are combined in a culmination of the search Baroque dramas. Francesco was born on September 25, 1599 in Bissone, on Lake Lugano, and his real name was Castelli, but changed it at age 28 by his mother, Borromini. His father was a stonemason and inherited this office, through which he could participate in the construction of the basilica of St. Peter, under the direction of Carlo Maderno. The old master was named supervisor of his works in the Vatican and the Barberini Palace. His bitter rivalry with Bernini began around the year 1627, when he worked under the sculptor in the size of canopy of San Pedro. The first commission he received as an architect Borromini was the church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (1638-1641; facade completed in 1667) . The general design consists of a diamond-shaped plan, formed by the union of two equilateral triangles, covered by an oval dome. Like all projects of Borromini, conform to a strict laws of symmetry and proportions. Its facade, higher than the church itself has a ripple who became the archetype of the baroque churches of Rome. Borromini built San Ivo della Sapienzia of 1642 and 1660, which remains the University Church of Rome. The temple rises from a regular hexagon star, but more original is the hexagonal dome no transition with the plant, built as a continuation of solidarity with the fundamental geometry of the temple. Other works by the Italian master were the new facade of Sant Agnese (1653-1666) in the Plaza Nabon or remodeling the early Christian basilica of St. John Lateran (1647-1650), who lost their original appearance for become a Baroque church. His last big project was the College of Propaganda Fide (1646-1667), center of the Jesuit order in Rome a striking baroque palace completely subject to a geometric concept unit. On August 2, 1667 Borromini himself. More than any other contemporary architect, Borromini got a new form of architectural expression with its walls undulating, concave-convex and its original volume, developed from a geometric motif . However, he never rejected the study of classical models, incorporating features the work of ancient architecture and the Renaissance. The influence of Michelangelo's ideas were important, as the architect explained in his treatise architectonicum Opus (1648).

For his work, visit:

http://www /


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